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DANIELS LED REPAIR SERVICE LLC (Doing business as Daniels Repair) is a Californian-based service provider for LED module repair and LED wall repair.


With extensive experience gained from LED display factories and facilities, we work with the world’s leading LED screen manufacturers by offering repair services or technical support locally or on-site, such as Absen, DigiLED, Unilumin, ROE, etc.


Have you ever suffered from the long-time turnaround after shipping back to manufacturers? We proudly provide the efficient and high-quality local LED modules repair service that you deserve.


The LED module repair service includes but is not limited to bad pixel replacement, IC chip replacement, and on-site troubleshooting.


The pixel pitches of modules that we are capable to deal with range from 0.9m, 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.9mm, 2.5mm, 3.9mm,4.8mm,5mm, 6mm,8mm, 10mm to 16mm.

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